atmospheric pressure

interests - family - life

Ada satu berita di dalam surat khabar semalam yang menarik perhatianku. Berita di bahagian world section membawa tajuk saintis menemui planet baru (Dialih bahasa sesuka hati oleh grounded). Planet ini telah dipanggil super-earth oleh para saintis dan kedudukan dia berada sejauh 40 tahun cahaya dari bumi. Nak tahu lebih lanjut sila ke SINI

Berita ini membuatkan aku tersentak dan terfikir tentang syurga Allah ta'ala. Allah telah menerangkan tentang syurga yang luas janji buat orang mukmin yang menemuiNya dengan jiwa yang sejahtera. Syurga yang diterangkan sebagai luas merupakan satu perkara yang diluar jangkauan pemikiran kita tetapi dengan penemuan planet baru ini dan planet-planet sebelumnya maka terbuktilah melalui ilmu yakin bahawa alam semesta memang tersangatlah luas. Oleh yang demikian penciptaan syurga bukanlah sesuatu yang mustahil dan dibandingkan dengan penemuan ilmu sains ia merupakan satu kepastian yang berlaku.

"Ya Allah, jadikanlah aku seorang mukmin yang jiwanya sejahtera begitu juga ahli keluargaku, sahabat-sahabatku, guru-guruku dan sekalian orang muslim dan mukmin. Bukakanlah pintu hati kami untuk menerima ilmuMu dan jadikanlah kami orang yang faham."

Kerdil rasanya.....

"Lagi 2 minggu siapla kereta kau tu" Abg Mael memberikan jaminan. Aku masa itu memang dah excited dan tak sabar-sabar nak drive. Yela dah dekat 4 bulan kereta mengalami proses transformasi dan aku pun dah tak larat nak singgah bengkel untuk melihat perkembangan kereta charade G11 aku tu.

Setelah 2 minggu berlalu, tibalah masanya untuk aku mengambil kereta aku dan memberikan 'sumbangan' yang sepatutnya kepada Abg Mael. Aku masih ingat lagi hari sabtu yang bersejarah itu ketika aku memandu kereta aku keluar dari bengkel dan terus menuju ke tempat alignment favorit aku dan terus pandu pulang ke rumah.

Inilah hasilnya kerja keras tangan abg Mael. Terima kasih bro atas hasil yang muwahhh tip top dan pengalaman berharga kepada aku dalam dunia permotoran. Aku banyak belajar tentang modifikasi dengan melihat sifu ni bekerja dan pengajaran yang aku dapat masih lagi aku praktikkan hingga ke hari ini dalam aktiviti DIY aku. Kalau ada masa aku akan cerita pasal aktiviti DIY kereta aku pula okkie...

Lihatlah dalaman kereta aku ni.

Nanti aku cerita pasal meter warna putih dekat belah kanan tu. Segala yang ada di dalam kereta aku memang ada gunanya kerana aku tidak percaya kepada membuang duit hanya untuk 'show'.


This is my first entry for 2010. Yes, the dawn of a new year and the beginning of beginnings. I don't want to touch on new year's resolution and what not because that's old news! I've been hearing about this resolution thing since all the fuss and hype about new year came to my ears.

New year is a mixture of commotion and peace. A feeling of calm and anxiety. Why you may ask? Well consider the new batch of standard one. This is going to be their new day at school and with them they bring along their loving mums and dads creating a massive crawl in front of school. The mums and dads looking anxiously through the windows. The standard oners looking tearful and happy and sad all at the same time.

New year also brings additional digits to your age. The shift from teens to 20's, from 20's to 30's, from 30's to ehem..ehem..Ever looked back and wondered what we've done? What we've completed?

Yup, I did not make any resolution at all. How's that! I just reflected and reflected and reflected...The choices that was laid in front of me, the junctions that I've reached and the milestones that i've encountered and no I am not that old..

Why no resolutions? Well, I believe that if you want to change for the good and do good deeds it must be right there and then and not to wait for new year to come around. That's what my religion taught me and it is by far the most logical thing to do. Why wait because you wouldn't know what tomorrow brings. We will always face this day by day, the choices between right and wrong, good and bad...Why wait for the new year to plan? It might already be too late. Life is not about logic. It will throw you everything and I really mean everything. How we react to it or how we prepare for it is for us to choose.

"How do we know what is right and what is bad?" you may ask. This again taught by my religion that what is good will always bring the heart to a calm state and makes it at peace. How do we know it? Well it is not about knowing but more of a feeling thing. Each and everyone of us have felt it at different times and different locations. Some of us may notice it and some of us may have let it passed unnoticed.

This new year with the upward trend in the age digit, made me think, why am I here? Why me from the millions of spermatozoa and I was the one that made it? What are the chances of this happening? Am I destined just to study, work, marry and die? Am I just destined to earn my pay and buy all the goods that I want?

I believe that there is more to that and let me begin by making good decisions every second of the day, strive to understand the new knowledge that I encounter, be aware of every feeling that passes through me, ensuring that every single action that I take is out of my conscious mind and every decision is based on the knowledge that I have...

That's what I believe. What about you guys out there?

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