atmospheric pressure

interests - family - life


"Can I have the address that you'll be staying in US?" The officer at the registration counter asked.

"Hmmm...hold on, I need to check the address with my brother". I replied.

So called up my brother and luckily managed to get the full address. Mind you, you'll need the full address up to the exact dot for you to check in and get your tickets. So I got the total tickets KLIA - Amsterdam - Detroit - Albany. Yep I'll be heading to Albany. Any one of you guys know about albany?

Albany is the administrative town of New York. There's a huge chance of brushing shoulders with the government leaders there because it is where the parliment is located. So there I was looking out through the windows of a Boeing 777 waiting for the plane to take off. It's going to be an 8 hours journey so better look out of the windows while you can.


This will be the first posting in a series of posting to keep track of my trip to the US. Yepp the United States of America..the land of opportunities. So who wants to go to US? What should we do first? Just buy tickets and go? It's not that simple....

The first step is to get a PASSPORT. This piece of document is the most important to travel and without it you can forget about going overseas. How to apply? Just go to the Imigration Department, fill in the forms and get the money ready. Next is to get a tentative date. This means a trip to the travel agent and ask around for some flight dates. This dates are needed in your application for VISA.

Now comes the hard part. The application for VISA involves 2 process.

1) Interview dates
You will need to get an interview date for the VISA. This is being managed by a third party company appointed by the US embassy. The company VFS-US will check all your documents and you will need to fill in an online form through their website and once the form is completed you will get a date to come to their office for them to check the documents needed. Opppss before hand, you will have to go to any Alliance Bank and pay an amount of USD 131 plus 32RM and this payment slip is needed for the application.

VFS will screen through your documents and asks you some questions. Once you get over this, they will provide you with a date and time for an interview at the US embassy in Jalan Tun Razak.

2) The interview itself

The first step is to get a pass to enter the embassy at the guard post. The guard will need the interview date letter from VFS US office and you'll have to line up outside the embassy to get in. There is 2 security checks before you can get in through the front door of the embassy. The interview involves several steps where you will get a number and your number will be called several times at different counters until the last interview counter. The staff will scrutinize your reason of going to US and this final counter will determine whether you get your VISA or you don't. Once you passed this, you can choose for the visa and your passport to be couriered back to you and you can opt to pick it up yourself at the VFS US office.

So that's it for the VISA application and once you get your hands on the VISA you're halfway there!


Terdapat banyak antivirus di pasaran sekarang ini dan harganya telah murah berbanding dengan ketika zaman plaza imbi dahulu. Bayangkan harga antivirus dahulu akan mencecah ratusan ringgit dan ini akan menyukarkan orang yang bajet kecil untuk memperolehinya melainkan membeli yang cetak rompak. Sekarang ini kalau beli kaspersky baru bernilai RM50 campur tolak dan boleh diperolehi di stesen petronas. Tetapi lesennya untuk tahunan ye jangan lupa.

Sungguhpun begitu, untuk orang yang bajetnya masih lagi kecil dan mencari yang bargain, kita boleh gunakan antivirus yang free. Cuma macamana nak tahu mana satu yang ok dan boleh menghalang kebanyakan virus?

Antara antivirus percuma yang terkenal sekarang ini adalah seperti berikut:

1) Avira Antivir personal
2) Avast 4 home edition
3) AVG free edition

Setiap antivirus ini telah pun diakreditasi oleh VB100%, ICSALabs dan Checkmark. Untuk itu, kita boleh tengok review dari sini atau dari yang merupakan satu projek untuk menganalisis antivirus yang ada di pasaran.

So mana satu antivirus yang bagus? Mengikut review, kategori berikut telah dijadikan criteria penilaian.

  1. Kadar detection - Avast mendapat markah tertinggi di sini tetapi kadar positif yang salah juga tinggi.
  2. Masa respon - Masa respon adalah masa dimana developer antivirus ini mengeluarkan antivirus kepada virus-virus baru. Avira mendapat rating yang tinggi disini.
  3. Compressed dan archived files - Rating tinggi untuk criteria ini adalah Avira
  4. Adware dan spyware - ketiga-tiga antivirus tidak memperolehi rating yang baik untuk kriteria ini dengan Avast memperolehi rating terbaik daripada ketiga-tiga antivirus.
  5. Kesan pada sistem - kriteria ini merupakan disk space yang digunakan dimana AVG mendapat rating terbaik iaitu 30Mb sahaja.
  6. Support - Free pun nak support ke?
Penggunaan antivirus ini yang paling penting adalah updates. Pastikan sentiasa mendapat update terkini baik untuk antivirus berbayar mahupun yang free. Perlukah kepada antivirus? Lu pikir la sendiri.......


Salam semua!

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