atmospheric pressure

interests - family - life


"Can I have the address that you'll be staying in US?" The officer at the registration counter asked.

"Hmmm...hold on, I need to check the address with my brother". I replied.

So called up my brother and luckily managed to get the full address. Mind you, you'll need the full address up to the exact dot for you to check in and get your tickets. So I got the total tickets KLIA - Amsterdam - Detroit - Albany. Yep I'll be heading to Albany. Any one of you guys know about albany?

Albany is the administrative town of New York. There's a huge chance of brushing shoulders with the government leaders there because it is where the parliment is located. So there I was looking out through the windows of a Boeing 777 waiting for the plane to take off. It's going to be an 8 hours journey so better look out of the windows while you can.


salam bos u ada lubang jual kbretor g11? saya pakai kburetor saga skrg kat g11 saya, timing tk cantik... 2013 ikan boleh berenang dlm keta,banjir... sabo je le... k bos... adi g11 CX4157, kuantan phg. 0104690301... hubung dgn hp senang bg!!! k

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